
We want to be the preferred one-stop shopping choice for hotels, campsites, fitness centres, housing associations and more.

As a sourcing and services company, we constantly adopt new ways to make our customers more efficient, which is why we have a strategic focus on Trade.

270 000+ products in stock

Customers will easily find what they are looking for by using our search and many filter options in the webshop.
Find your local webshop

97% consistency of delivery

We are experienced within logistics, and with our different logistics services, we are always able to find a solution that fits our customers
See our logistics solution

25% additional value

By taking a careful look at a customer's total costs, they can achieve up to 25% additional.
Learn more about TCO

When only one supplier is needed

Buying behaviour has changed. Many companies demand one-stop shopping. As a sourcing and services company, we constantly adopt new ways to make our customers more efficient - which is why we have a strategic focus on Trade.

Instead of buying batteries at a hardware store and light bulbs from a webshop, our customers use Solar as a one-stop shop to purchase whatever consumables they need from our wide assortment.

This makes good business sense for the customers and for Solar. Customers can cut back on suppliers, deliveries and administration, which saves them time and money. We see this as a self-service concept, where customers typically do not require technical support or visits from our sales team. Instead, they need a great webshop with a wide assortment, where they can quickly find what they are looking for and have everything delivered through our flexible logistics solutions.

Business types covered by Trade


We offer a wide range of products and services for those who manage a hotel or other types of accommodation.


We supply many different solutions that suit campsites, amusement parks and the like.

Sport and fitness centres

For customers running a fitness or sports centre, we supply the consumables needed.

Find out more about Trade on your local website